Functional Communication Learning Program

(Ages 4-8, 9-12, 13-18)

This program is designed for learners that are currently unable to fluently communicate wants and needs, comment on their social surroundings, answer questions with and without visual information available, and engage in conversational exchanges.

This classroom is designed to systematically increase communication, social, play, self-help, community, and recreational skills that are fundamental to changing immediate quality of life and building towards desired long-term adult outcomes such as independent living, employability, community participation, and a confident sense of self.

Full Day Classroom, Ages 4-8

  • Maximum of a 3-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio 

  • Heavy focus on play based learning

  • Communication opportunities embedded in each activity

  • Potty training

  • Learning to participate in small and whole group

  • Initiating and responding to requests involving peers

  • Learning to complete play and work activities independently

  • Learning to socially engage with peers and teachers

Full Day Classroom, Ages 9-12

TAPS does not currently offer a Functional Communication classroom for ages 9-12. If your child is in this age group, please complete the initial questionnaire and we will notify you when we create that classroom.

Full Day Classroom, Ages 13-18

  • Maximum of a 3-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio

  • Focus more intensely on vocational skills in preparation for internships

  • Heavy emphasis on independent skills, increasing rate of task completion, & ability to communicate needs regarding completion of vocational tasks 

  • Reading, writing, & math skills that are essential for vocational & daily living tasks 

  • Key social & emotional skills for success within the community & job setting 

  • Leisure & recreational skills that can build into lifelong hobbies 

  • Exercise & balanced eating to support lifelong wellness